Mountaineering in Colorado

Another hike. Another photo opportunity with the "Sherpa Hat"

Called up my friend Shireen to see if she could go hike Audubon Mt. with me and the Girls. She really only had a couple of hours but decided work could wait and off she came to play with us for the day.
It was a better day than we could have hoped for. It was supposed to be raining by noon. We started late. No worries, not a cloud in the sky. The sky was void of any clouds and there was no wind. temp was in the mid 50s. Perfect. Just in case of rain, I brought the Girls rain coats and three jackets and gloves for me. Just in case.

To start the hike, we met some very funny Englishmen. Very funny. One had raced in the Iceman Cometh in Michigan. He said I should do it. No thank you. Too many years out of racing and it's cold!
The views seemed better than ever this time up. Maybe it was the partial snow, maybe, that soon it won't look like this and there will be snow everywhere. I don't back country ski much any more, so once the snow hits. I won't be back here until summer.
We didn't have enough time to go to the very top but we stopped at about 13,000 feet. I love it up there. I love the mountains more than any other place. I love being able to get to the top of mountains. I love being able to see for miles and miles. I love having friends and dogs that can do this. This is why I live in Colorado.

Once at the (almost) top, I had to get some photos of the amazing mountains to the north. And, of course, the "Sherpa Hat" photo. It took us about 1:45 to get to this awesome alpine tundra area. Just below the last pitch to the top. We ate energy bars and fed the Girls some dog food and headed down. At about this point the clouds were blowing in from the south and it was getting cold. At this point, we noticed the Englishmen were making their way to the summit. The round trip hike took just under 4 hours. Not sure of the time for actual hiking. Forgot my awesome Forerunner 305. I also blew the 2 hour hike time Shireen had, but she was much more happy hiking than working.

The "Sherpa Hat" photos are beginning to become a game. It's fun, it gets up and out into the wilderness, and well, it looks really funny. I actually think Kayla likes it.

Tonight, the Girls had their nails clipped and a bath. they don't ever smell. Ridgebacks never do. But it makes their coat shine and they smell all sweet and clean.

We practiced healing, sitting, downs, and touching feet and faces. I think they're ready for tomorrow.

Wish us luck.