Mountainbike ride on Sourdough Trail

Steve wanted to ride Sourdough today. I had to work. So he waited for me and in the late afternoon off we went for a great ride.

Sourdough is not for the beginner rider because it is somewhat technical with a lot of rocks and roots. Well, mostly rocks.

There is only one spot that I can't get through and I think I've only made it thought that particular section once with only one dab. Today I walked it. It's a descent into an area turn with huge rocks and I just wasn't into trying it today. Better safe then sorry on a day when my concentration wasn't the best.

I really like this trail because it challenges me to pay attention on every part of it. The up hill is only about 6 miles and it still takes me just under an hour every time. That's with breaks and riding. I used to trail on this trail at least once a week when I was training for my Italy races. The European 25 hour racers were more technical than over here and it helped get me really ready for any kind of race course. Sometimes I would do a 5 hour ride and then hit the Sourdough Trail before heading home. I'd end up with a very hard 7 hour ride. Good training for long ultra races. This photo is probably one of the easier sections.
We rode until about 5:45 and then headed down into Boulder to meet up with Catherine. She wanted to tell us about her PBP (Paris Brest Paris) ride. She informed us that she was the second US women to finish and 13th over all. way to go Catherine!

The Saturday night forcast is for snow down to 6,000 feet. That means snow at my house. I really hope it's not a lot as I'd like to ride more up at the higher elevations. Fall is when we do a lot of exploration rides, rides we haven't done all year, and rides with friends. Not to worry, we never ride with more than a couple of people.

Oh yeah, Sunday is the Good Samaritan testing for the Girls. Keep your fingers crossed.