About 1300 miles to date. Yeah!

OK. I have to start writing in here more often. No excuses, really.
So if you wan to check out a great lecture about training, nutrition, and cycling, come to REI on
March 18th at 6:30 PM. The Rocky Mountain Cycling Club is the club host.

Cycling, Break the Century Barrier!
March 18, Wed 6:30 PM
Here's the scoop:

In this seminar you'll learn the best training, nutritional, and ride-day strategies for cycling events in the 100-125 mile range. USA Cycling Expert-Level coach Rick Russon will explain the physiology of endurance cycling, and how to maximize your performance based on that knowledge.

Licensed USA Cycling Elite-Level Coach and Certified Personal Trainer Michelle Grainger will fill you in on the secrets of motivation and cycling nutrition. A panel of veteran endurance cyclists from the Rocky Mountain Cycling Club will also be on hand to answer your questions.

The RMCC offers a program of training rides building up to 100 miles, and a number of 200km (125-mile) and longer events to challenge you.

We'll get some drinks at a local bar afterwards to socialize. I'll tell you guys how I got hit by a pickup truck while biking to work back in August and survive to tell about it.:):):)

Location:REI Denver
Contact:(303) 756-3100
Cost: Free
Registration Required? No.