Snow in Boulder. It just is-go and enjoy it!

It snowed a lot last night. Good thing it was today, because I needed a few days off from training. Not that I can't take a day off when it's warm and sunny, but a snow day doesn't hurt and it's good for the ground, trees, and water levels.

I've been riding my bike for most of my life. I started racing when I was about 27 and, yes, DV8, I am close to 50. Not that close, but close enough. Close enough that I can be proud that I've stayed riding my bike for a very long time. Proud that I have good genetics and good training in these legs, heart and lungs.

I started riding because it was fun and a good way to stay in shape. I started racing to see where my very competitive nature could take me. I decided to stop racing (for a while, at least) in order to step back from the structure but continue to train as if I was still racing-just in case that cool race crosses my radar.

I've been able to travel all over the world, win a lot, and learn a lot. I even came back after pretty severe injuries. broken ankle, broken wrist, broken nose, cheek, elbow and foot-all from one race, dislocated shoulder, herniated discs, and more. It sucks to have to rehab while still trying to maintain training. It sucks to be derailed from the things you love. But you, at least I did, always learn from an injury and you always find a way to come back.

I ride because I love it. I don't care if I ride the same route time and time again. I ride because its' fun. It doesn't bother me if the temperatures are below 40, even 30. I rode this winter when it was in the 20s. I'll ride in rain and wind and snow. I raced in all of these conditions, too. I've never stopped doing something fun because the weather wasn't what I wanted it to be. Don't get me wrong. I like 75 degrees and sunny. But I'm not staying home because the weather wasn't perfect. In fact, when I lived in Portland, I'd tell my family (living in Florida) that it didn't rain that much. too funny-it rains all of the time in Portland. But I rode, hiked, and climbed in all weather conditions. Life it too short.

I love racing, touring and commuting. Each gave me (and gives me) something different. All good and all experiences. I love road and mountain. Never done track.

I think I like moving and riding is moving. Hiking is too, I guess. Climbing-well, more slowly. I love hiking my dogs and spending time with Steve. I love being in the mountains most. Desert's good but I really like the hills and mountains.

Not sure why I got on this tangent. Maybe because I hear about people derailed from riding, racing, hiking or something else. Maybe because people think they have to be the best at a sport to really love it. That conditions have to be perfect in order to be the best at something. Nope, ya just need to like it. Maybe I look at it like life. It just is-go and enjoy it. Maybe that's a better slogan than -"just do it". How about it?
And here I was going to write about how I rode over 100 miles this weekend. That I feel great and had great friends and Steve to ride with this weekend. That my dogs loved the hikes we went on. That I find it funny that the warm ups for my rides are hiking my dogs in the mornings. Well, guess that's for another day.

I do want to remember to thank Tony Brooks, from New Zealand. He wrote me the kindest email today about training for a fast century in an article in a magazine he read that I wrote. Way to go Tony-you rock!