The best thing about fall.
/The best thing about fall is the weather. You can still ride in shorts and short sleeve jerseys on most days and other days you have to get out the arm warmers and leg warmers. The days are just long enough to cram in a hike with the Girls and a ride before or after work. The wind isn't very strong on most days and the sun hits low enough to give a nice golden glow.
I think the aspens near us will be turning in a couple of weeks. That's when fall riding is incredible. I miss the red colors of the east coast in fall but our mountains more than make up for it.
I had enough time today to ride twice and hike with the Girls. The rides were two commutes to town and the hike was the usual trail to the apple tree. The Girls ran off, without me, for a little bit today. Not a good thing as there are rather large kitties in the woods.
Saw this kitty poop and only thought to take the photo after I kicked is around a little. You get the ides of the size. HHHmmmm. A lot larger than my cats produce. I've seen 9 and Steve is on his 14th sighting. Not poop, kitties in the woods.
Quite a difference from these little ones.