Well, I'm done. With 5 hours to spare. That's the best packing job I've done in a long time. Maybe because it's only for 4 days. I mean, how much can you bring? It's not Italy, it's Alaska. No fancy dresses, no good shoes. Just rain gear and more rain gear and bear bells.

At the last minute I decided to pack a pair of Performance neoprene tights and a SmartWool mid-weight jersey. Also, added in extra SmartWool socks and a Performance Goretex lightweight parks with a hood. Just in case it is really cold. I don't want to be the weenie that doesn't race because I didn't bring enough cold weather clothing.

Rudy Project really came through with the Kontact Helmets and Rydon glasses. My friend may be bummed that he looks like me but, hey, it's cool free Rudy Project gear. This way we'll sort of be a team.

The rest is the usual stuff; 3 tubes, patch kit, tools for fixing things on the bike, 3 light weight rain jackets (layers), KHS jerseys and shorts, socks, Perlizumi shoes with an extra pair of eggbeater cleats, a pair of winter mittens with liners (my hands get cold), regular Spenco gel gloves, knee and leg warmers, arm warmers, pair of rain pants (the same pair that I rode to Alaska with in the 80s), booties, bear bells, duct tape, a very small first aid kit, contact lens, and several Clif Bar gels and bars. Also mad e a few baggies of Endurox R4 for extra fuel during the race.

I'm sure there's a few more items that are in there. Only one pair of hang out pants and a skort. Not going to be the most fashion oriented trip but, oh well.

I'll take photos and post them when I return.